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NYC, USA 256323

7:30 AM - 7:30 PM

Monday to Saturday

+ (007) 548 58 5400


Year: 2020

Dec 5

Retirement Planning Savings

Saving for retirement consists of many difficult decisions. These decisions have a lot of complex issues that need to be taken into consideration. Some of these decisions are based on personal needs and desires as well as tax and the future. There are several different investment strategies that you will be following as you plan […]
Apr 5

Types of Wills

Types of wills? You mean there’s more than one? Well, yes there are several types of wills (we’ll mention four here). The first is called a Holographic/Oleographic Will. This just means that the will is written in the testator’s handwriting, dated and signed. The second type of will is an Oral Will. With an oral will (typically […]
Jan 29

Do you need a Will?

Of course, you do. Since that may not be a sufficient answer for many of you, why should you have a will? Should you die without a will, you are dying “intestate”. In this case, the state directs how the deceased’s property will be distributed by creating a hypothetical will according to the state’s intestacy laws. […]