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NYC, USA 256323

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Author: Lucille Willis

Jul 25

Am I Too Busy or Too Unorganized?

I think my whole life needs an organizational overhaul. Besides the fact that my house is a disaster (other than the rooms visible to last night’s dinner guests), I am running around with a constant to-do list, with hardly enough time to eat dinner.  Here’s what I have to look forward to tonight:  Call my stepson right […]
Jul 18

Creating (And Sticking To) A Personal Budget

Budgeting is the first step toward holistic financial wellbeing. In understanding where you put your dollars, you can alter your lifestyle to better suit your income and personal goals—whether that means putting down a deposit on a home or paying off student loan debt. Building a budget is a time-consuming process, but with the right […]
Jun 23

3 Tips for Improving Your Credit Score

Whether you like it or not, your credit score determines your financial wellbeing. You may have enough money in the bank for a down payment on a home, but every type of lender—mortgage lenders, leasing agents, and credit card providers—will use your credit score to determine the likelihood of repayment. As a result, it is […]
Apr 25

Buying a House with Student Debt

Politicians, administrators, and parents love to criticize younger generations for our “lack of priorities.” Rather than working full-time, saving to buy a home, and purchasing diamond engagement rings, we instead choose to spend our resources on avocado toast, nights out with friends, and entertainment. Right? Wrong. So very wrong. In fact, most Millennials would like […]